
As a local peer led charity, with a 30-year history, we understand the value of meaningful vocation as part of a person’s Recovery journey.  The equal right to work is an integral part of building an independent and fulfilling life for all, including those with experiences of trauma, emotional distress and mental health issues.

The Forum is built on the knowledge that people with Lived Experience have a whole range of unique strengths to offer in the workplace.  That’s why we create opportunities for people to intentionally use their Lived Experience within the Forum and support services and organisations to better understand the value of Recovery.

We work with organisations across Dorset, providing educational opportunities for employers, co-creating wellbeing at work activities and challenging stigma in the workplace.

We work in partnership with Dorset HealthCare to deliver “Dorset Work Matters” (DWM) a service which is available to people receiving support from a Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and uses the principles of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to enable equality of access to competitive employment.

Click on the link to read more about an IPS approach: ipsgrow.org.uk 

Click on the link to read more about DWM: www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/our-services-hospitals/vocational-services-dorset/dorset-healthcares-work-services/dorset-work-matters#8c58ac6e

Employment - Dorset Mental Health Forum

Our Employment Aims

  • To develop opportunities for people to reframe their experiences and share the learning from their Recovery to support others (Peer Specialists, Peer Support Workers, Peer Leadership).
  • To provide support and signposting to people in work who are struggling to retain their job as a result of trauma, emotional distress or mental health difficulties.
  • To promote, support and facilitate positive attitudes towards the employment of people with lived experience of mental health difficulties.
  • To amplify people’s voices and experiences through employment stories, bringing about culture change with employers across Dorset.
  • To work with people from a range of social and economic backgrounds and promote social justice and equality of opportunity.

How to get in touch

If you would like to get in touch and talk about employment opportunities for yourself, or if you’re an employer looking for support, please click on either the button below to email the Dorset Mental Health Forum:

Alternatively, you can also click on the button below to contact Dorset HealthCare: